Opening sequence
When you hear "Line up!" or "One line!" (Or however many lines is necessary for everyone to line up), stand shoulder to shoulder facing the front of the dojo, in rank order. Try to line up so that the instructor, standing before your line, is right in the middle of the line. If class is so big that the senior student says to form more than one line, try to line up so that the lines are approximately the same length.
1. “Seiza!” Sit down in seiza, so that knees are aligned with the person on your left.
2. “Mokuso!” Quiet meditation just lower your gaze, relax, and breathe.
3. “Mokuso yame!” End meditation.
4. “Shomen ni rei!” Bow to the front of the room (which shows respect for your training space, to the institution of karate, and to the line of instructors).
5. “Sensei ni rei!” Bow to the instructor. When you're bowing, you can say "onegaishimasu," which, roughly translated, means "Please," i.e., please teach me, please help me, please hold class, etc. (You may also say "oss," the ubiquitous sign of respect in karate.)
6. “Otaga ni rei!” Bow to each other. This shows respect for each other. At the signal of the instructor, get up quickly, without necessarily waiting for the person on your left to rise.
Closing sequence
This is the same as the opening sequence. During the bow to the instructor ("sensei ni rei!"), you may say "arigato gozaimashita", which means "Thank you." "Thank you” in English is fine, too. At the end, the instructor will get up. Wait until the person on your left bows and gets up before you do the same.